‘Communism is a faith’ | The Chinese Communist Party | SupChina

The Chinese Communist Party was established in 1921, with the first of July designated as its official birthday. Today, 90 million people are officially members. But no one in China exists free from the Party, regardless of their membership status. For the average Chinese citizen, life inside the Party is a constant tug-of-war between convenience and compromise. They face a complex reality, victimized by an oppressive system but also contributing to their own oppression by becoming part of the system.

Source: ‘Communism is a faith’ | The Chinese Communist Party | SupChina

Photos: Chinese village splurges on knockoff and superlative architecture | Ministry of Tofu 豆腐部


Huaxi Village, a formerly unknown and poor village in Jiangsu province on China’s east coast, skyrocketed into wealth since China’s economic reform in the late 1970s, and is constantly referred to as China’s most affluent village. It is said that each village has an average amount of $250,000 in the bank. However, much like children parade medals and trophies for more pats on the back, the nouveau riche village of a little over 2,000 residents is not resigned to obscurity and rolls out blueprints for ambitious and massive projects. The village built a number of replicas of world-famous buildings and structures, including the Great Wall, the U.S. Capitol Hill, Sydney Opera House, and Triumphal Arch, to develop local tourism and “give the villagers a glimpse and taste of the beauty of China right at their doorstep.” Then on October 8, the village unveiled a 328-meter skyscraper that belittles Paris’s Eiffel Tower (324m) and the Chrysler Building (319m) in New York. Built at the exorbitant cost of RMB 3 billion, or around US$450 million, with each household investing RMB 10 million for a stake, the 72-storied edifice will include a five-star hotel, residential apartments for villagers, and a sightseeing deck at the very top.

Source: Photos: Chinese village splurges on knockoff and superlative architecture | Ministry of Tofu 豆腐部

China Hero: 22-year-old Meng takes care of paralyzed mother CCTV News – CNTV English

By CCTV reporter Hu Chao Every year, China elects ten people that inspire the nation with their acts. Last year, a young girl named Meng Peijie in north China’s Shanxi Province was given this honor. She has been taking care of her paralyzed adoptive mother for more than ten years since the age of eight. What she has done has moved many people in the country. Now, Meng is a college student. Our reporter Hu Chao visited Meng Peijie in her home and found out how she and her mother are doing now.

Source: China Hero: 22-year-old Meng takes care of paralyzed mother CCTV News – CNTV English